ah the moon is the only star in the sky that counts
just try and count the stars
bitch like a melody
sings like a bell
sweet like the sky
sweet like a smell
bitch bell
nice little bell
try and sing to me
about freedom
about your wedding
about liberty
bitch sing about love
bell, sweet,
sing to me in rings
while you lie
bitch sing to me
tell me you're free
tell me about freedom
bitch bell
on the floor
try and ring
try and tell me
about your
when i'm in the river i don't do nothing
one you do in a church
one you do in the woods
ah there's
and then there's
nice little bell
lay there on the floor
try and ring
like a bitch
im screaming
in the night
like the milky way
i go slowly
across the sky
and am hard to see
in the city
like a starry night
i move
like a sloth
bitch like a bubbling wine
bitch made to be uncorked
evil's egg
a mirror
i will face evil's egg
i face evils music
i care
smile to my ears
and show you my little teeth
to show you how raw my soul is
how good my soul is
when i'm in the river all i can do
is close my eyes
and make myself comfortable on the rock
when i'm by the river
thing that makes me better
is laying down
getting rained
walking in the dirt
i get to a cross roads
and i can hear a river and see grass
the sun flattens me
it is bright and the moon is out
another day on the old road
in the sun
on the dirt
near the river
even in your dirt
only you
only this old
others arent others
dont exist
even as dust
id rather be on your doorstep
forever i guess
than in all the others arms