little Us
under little Os
and a little cat
and a little kitten
with wet mouths
inverse v
goes up from my legs to my chin
regular v sits at the bottom of my torso
and at the bottom of my head
I am the alpha and the beta
the pink like an eraserpink
a lifter like  a logmachine
a god like a golden tapestry
a unicorn like a plate glass window
a forest like moldy picklejar
 my long blonde hair
 the sunlight as it plays. 
 the moonlight as it makes me glow. 
 hear the mockingbird and the robin sing to me. 
 be a mermaid! 
 live in this palace of white marble. 
 the green green plants! 
 my sweetwater swimming pool.
 my fragrant grass. 
 hairless body underneath my sheer blue gown. 
 my glittering sky of stars, 
 the rich soil in the ground. 
You are making up your breath
it is fake. 

you make up your food
 at five o clock 
and expect me to eat it


say the word 
and it's yours
and the sky said 
i won't take more
than your breath
and sound 
and i won't take more
than the rain
even the mountains say
that the sun is enough
but I am a world 
and a wind
and i know 
and the words say 
all of breath 
and the food 
is made up
and being independent
like going and buying 
my own 
red fruit

for doing one's own pavement

once out on the road
it's hard to come back home
it's hard to know a bunk
when you're an angel

studying the arrangement of flowers
and the breeding of chickens
and how to feed a pet
is as hard

don't knit. 
johnny walked 
all through the woods 
picking little berries 
and stepping on soft grass

he came into a clearing 
and read his own palm

it said to go up and fork 
and then to go down and fork
but not like a pitchfork
like a meat cutting fork instead

so he went down and split
banana split
split wood 
apple sundae
and then he went up
and split
a whole in the skye