oh! i am on a boat today
but we are not at sea are we
no we are on land.
there is still sky and it is
still raining!
i am not the man with the
animals on my boat
i am not the woman either
i am a little goat
and i am hungry for
your shirt today give
me a nibble yum
little goats like to jump
and frolic i can do that here
the boat rocks to me
jumping. Oh the passers-by
do not know how
splendid it is to be
me today! They are
busy with the rain.
i am not the kind of
goat that gives milk,
let's put it that way.
o i am a man-goat jumping
i am not unlike pan
with his pipes
in the rain! i am singing
to you i am telling you!
Go have fun today!
i am rocking my little
boat! You are listening to
me! The little goat! Go out
and play!
i am a gigantic black snakes
i have electric blue eyes
i am very bad
i have no venom
but i have a big stinger :-P
a joke
a dream
this life
a scheme!

do I smell a pickle? 
are those grapes? 

I know this is a gift
for me 
I love horses 
and you

a man 
says the word

life is a dream
about a horse
who eats a 
grape and 
dies of 
i am a necklace of bluest beads
but you dropped me in the river and
i went down stream and now i am in the
ocean and a fish is looking at me!
it has a goatee
it is sitting next to me

if i were a frog
under a pad
in a lake
i would be ugly
and gross and i
would not pick me

i would be afraid of me
afraid of hurting me
and of getting warts
and of my weird eyes
that do not look at me
and know who i am
that i am good.

i suppose i would hop
and swim so well
and hide away from
me under the lily pad
forever and i would leave
me alone there and so
we wouldnt disturb us
good girls no longer