my mom is a tree and
your mom is a tree
and there are dogs barking
up them and there are coons
up in there treed and i was
inside my mom once like an
owl maybe is now and there are birds
dancing her fingers around
and mice in her toes underground
and she sings in the wind my mom and
someday lighting will strike her
and the whole forest will
burn down and maybe your mother is
the same forest i dont know
maybe she fell down and nobody
heard that she didn't make one
sound we cant be sure
but the foxes will run out and all
the birds will fly away when the fi
re comes after the lightning strikes
there will be clouds at some point
i was a cloud at one point
a cloud at gun point
my friend is like a shoe
and she was bad and now she got
better and when im outside id
prefer to have my foot inside of her
im inside of her 
my mom is a tree and i am a
bug running up and down her
trunk and i do not get stuck in
the sap! she is a beauty
her bark
it smells so good
there is lots of food
oh no
today i am inside a
cocoon ao ao ao
today i have given
birth to myself
i am a butterfly i must eat
my mother is a tree
but i gave birth
to myself and
now i must eat her
leaves my mother!
no i must dance.
i dance i dance
it rains i hide
my mother took
so long to grow and
i will die tomorrow
nothing of my blue
lives to be too
oh my gosh i am
laying eggs i am
dead a person
has put a pin
in my head.
my mother is a
tree and tomorrow
she's a fire and
the next day shes
a pretty shade of
black and then
she kept someone warm
and next she's in the air
and i was in the air
before i am a butterfly

when i was little i
danced on grandmas feet
now if i go to her grave
i can dance on her whole
body what is a field of
grass now and though it
turns into other things
it never ends and i
never will ever stop
dancing on her body
mom the field of grass
is not ending
and i am a fool
for it
you only start fires
underneath very
large trees
with very large
trunks and very thick
bark that curves all
around and i watch
how it curves.
i am a blonde girl
in the sunshine today
in the shade though
under a big tree...
i am starting a fire
i have been in the creek
i saw my father
from far away
i do not eat
anything that
would stain my
white dress