i put things all around it and
kept it very dry
spent time in there

when winter came i make a fire
and when summer came my eyes
would rest
fire in a place
i try to keep dry always

special place maybe made of stone
little walking cane
and little able
kiss my ass
and clean the stable
ride the horse
and ride it good
just like your mamma said
you should 
little hovel of my own
bring your shovel 
to my hovel 
we'll find some dirt
and get it out 
th damn dam door

big hot river this time
a different place this time 
big mountains too
hot lava too 
maybe a nice bird
maybe a mean one 
maybe some dinner 
of honey and bun
lemon drops and
ripe fruits
in my cold little bowl
-my mamma made me-
damn dark man
and funny too
just stood there
while the fire grew
just made sure nobody
till all the timbers fell.

and once they all fell down
you see, he didn't dance
like you or me
what a little frindel-key
damn tall devil 
that the fire made 
danced for me 
and made me brave

finally a desert here
where the air is sweet and clear
not too bright and not too hot
not a lot
horsey asks me why I say
the sun is going down today
friendly tumble weed bounce by
my my
does it smell good
lets build a fire and
heat up some food
we'll talk and chum and sing all night
my this desert treats us right

laying once
laying twice
laying little eggs is nice
once I laid a big egg though
no no no no no no no!
give me water
give me bread
but do not give me
piece of lead
call my name
and pat me nice
give me rice
after all of that is through
i will lay an egg for you 
O Cane 
Lil Sugar 
Life Tasted So Sweet 
I Smelt It 
I Smelt It 
Big River 
Run Deep 
So Rapid 
Big Rapid 
Big Hiding Waterfall 
Cold Cascade 
Warm Sunshine 
It's Fall 
It's Fall 
Hi TomTom 
in side me 
Hi that is what that is 
Hi TomTom 
My Indian 
My Red Skin 
Hi Love 2
Hi That Is 
My Red Roots
My TomTom 
My How 
My Indian 
War Cry
My Person
call my troll
any name you see
the troll she is inside of me
is it a girl? is it a boy?
a troll is naked
i t has hair
hello shirley
hello jim
come out and play!


laying down on the bed
in my tummy lives a troll
a pet
i rub my tummy troll comes out
to play


sleeping on my stomach
it comes out another way
the hair of it is plasticness
so fun
like a baby

my phone
sticky made of candy
speaking sweet words
 inside the tree
a little troll lives
with lives beyond
close your eyes and
kiss it close
tree it opens
while in my tummy button
grows gems of every color

Once I met a Candycane
Howdy Do- My name is Shane
That's what He said to me.
Then we danced a Gillipee
What is That, You're asking Me?
A Dance that can be Done
If your Foot Count is just One
It was Fun.

Lightly called the Mouse to see
What Leaf is this
Here that I see?
Mousey Misses said to me
Fig it is, why can't you see?
No I said
I did not know
Why a Fig like this did grow
Mister Mouse he interjected
Fig is for your Gennies silly
Grows that shape just to be Funny!
OH I said- I understand!
Then I went to Neverland. 
body on a stone
same stars in the sky
life is moving on
haha so am I 
heavy in the river
slowly going
big stone down

lightly in the river

rivers run water
much better that
than blood or gold

water that looks at the
sun and the moon
and shines
mouth of sugar
mouth of blood
mouth of water too
say my name
and hold it close
I love you
cup of blood
like in rome
like in Aztec land too
cup of sugar
like over here
cup of water too
winter coming
me goose
get me fat
get me fly away
south like
little birds
gonna be where
new song
gonna be
sung where
my ear gonna
learn to listen
at last 
like in the sky

a worm in grass

so kind in lace
telling stories full of grace
whispern softly
singa song
dance so gently
when I walk
me not kneeling
me undown
swims in river
does not drown
a sun

k knows how to worship the sun
I envy

k pyramid
I envy

I, like a dog  

oh Vforest


did Vforest
have Some
lik a Vfrost
a PathV

this v
k fools they
o i vbeen

O vnever
naught ?
allm i

call m
I have 2

one in my pant
one full of gods
I eat grapes


I stand
on my toes
on pointe
I dont
a stranger
god fell down
hit the ground
eon went away
calld my mom
and calld my papa
and calld you every
OK sweet apollo ]
I kno w your heel
I Know i cant help you
K i know no bath
I can give can help
I all I do
I all i Can do

cuckold cup with a hole in it
one sweet candle
one dry tree
one big fire
sweet moment
sweet flag
burn bish

Like a square meal
Like rich dirt
Like a day with you
You've seen sugar being spun?
Not me
I have seen taffy and cotton candy
I have felt sweet love from a cat.

If the window breaks
and the bird flies through
or if you open the window,
and let the dove fly in

the breeze comes, either way
and a deep breath;
the  thing

white horse barking

white horse barking

sweet cake baking

father time, he marches on 
I stand I 
One Time 

Ford and Creek 
Soft Wind 

I like Mountain

I Eagle Eyes

Not Like That

I Hunter I 

Pure Love 

la la the rain
for days it went
i go to taste the
wet earth and kneel
to taste the black earth
with my whole mouth
I'd fall to my knees
I'd live in the gravel
I'd look up and see
the sky
and your eyes
whose father

and not even given his name
but the word of your mother
who like a goddess
birthed you when she wanted

butterfly butterfly

you looked like me and
many years later I kissed your father
missing my own
Ok Loner
go to Away
do holy work
or like that
make yourself Sing
No says It
No Care E
Want to follow
Part E
Where she Sing
for free
like a jip
i have unrailed you
made you confused
and jingle
string of bells

but I
unfair price
am like a fairy
bring you water
when you sleep

what tree grows
faster in
forest or on hill?
for blue pools and
blue oceans also
and there are
pebbles on beaches
and in deserts too
who hopefully dances in her dreams
who goes here and there
and then

I love my hairdo.

I have a baby.

I done it before, Jimmy, I did.
I got drunk but I went across.

I got to this mountain later.

And I only went back
after I found a wife
who I left.

She was good.

When I got to this mountain I found what I wanted.
Luckily I didn't want water.

My mother is somewhere.
So is my father.
There is a beach somewhere too.

When I fall down,
I tend to hit the ground.
When I go down slowly,
I find many things along the way

I'll leave this damn ol' mountain, someday.
stuck on a mountain 
with no candy 
no bribes to take or give

spank me
U type A woman





A present for each

The BIG CAPTOR i give niceness and OBEDIENCE
THE SECOND i only give niceness and FLIRTING
The next ones are ALL TIED FOR THIRD and there are FOUR OF THEM
I give them my SILENCE and SMALL FAVORS like ICED TEA
The FOURTH CAPTOR I make much talk to and my gift to him is PUTTING UP WITH HIS BULLSHIT
The FIFTH is a close friend
and I give to him SPACE when I can 
My Caul
My Caul that almost killed me
Upset that she didn't

Caul She

She chases Me
Into the Shower
To clean

She gets on me
to Stay On ME
She wants to live
but she is not a human IS SHE
SHE is a piece of SKIN

When I am in the water, though
She goes away
I know not where
just like a snot
although she's not

The President
is on the line
the fishing line
in the sea

The Queen is on the
sea in a boat
you see?

We are here on land
we have some mud in our hand
we like to sing
of victory

of victory
and tea

Lesbian Sex
All Day My Hands
Use The Scissors
To Make Tiny Buds
Cherries Make One Brave

And One's Mouth Cannot Lie About It
Because The Color Stains 
O where O where can
my Baby be?
On the same land
But far away from me

I heard one time
But I've never seen
There's a river almost
Exactly in between

Is it blue or is it grey
 muddy bloody
of my buddy
 the earth

i haven't danced in days
not that i'm not allowed
but decorum won't

like a little bear
i am down by the creek
afraid to do the
peach dance
because there are dogs
one young
one old
several stupid dogs
im in a new place
on a dry hill
and old plant
with the only hands
ill ever have 
once i knelt

down and sorted grain
found the needle repeatedly

once i stood

in a faraway land 
i used a tool 
that made reaping easy
there was even a cool pool
and I made baths in it

someday I will crawl 
or fly 

and perhaps i will use my minds
four figs falling
bent tree

candy in the corn field
candy in the peas
candy in the mountains

and I am finding it